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  • "Nicely done! Clear, concise, and inspiring"
    ...R.C. Music Industry Executive
  • "Very cool! I'm going to forward to several dealers."
    - Dan (Music Industry Representative)
  • "You are a natural teacher. I'm thinking of ways to use this method in my classes somehow."
    - J.H (University Teacher)

Learn 100 Songs in 5 Minutes

Write your own songs or choose from our list of over 100 songs and start playing
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Success Tips

#1.Start Here with these single "word" songs everyone knows. Play the "G" word and "paint" the strings while singing along. Just like learning to speak your language as a child you soon learn to hear where the "words" fit.
#2. Start with these simple childhood songs. You will quickly learn the sound of the three "musical words" and within a short time you will naturally hear the difference between each word and know when to use it.

Are You Sleeping?
Row Row Row Your Boat

Play this single "musical word" song.

Now add another word.. the "D" word and Row on....